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Anne.Etc. believed that boy to also about leave.There was a procrastinating of ensign should being strong to aid an arrival after a day."Deng Zhi Qiang is full of saying of self-confidence at this time.Stay a book to flee to rush through from he Deng Jia once of time he knows.Absolutely can't looking at him to was in Dutch but ignore by Lin Tian's personality.Originally at the beginning he after receiving the fax of home just thought that both parties were the point of disputes of Wu Zhe'ses, realized if Lin Tian participated fighting of common Wu Zhe's will have got many troubles.So he thinks with lend an oneself of real strenght first the one step rush through lieutenant general affair solution of going home.He knows that Lin Tian wants sooner or later from the first, only according to his original plan be Lin Tian arrives of time he should also solve an affair.
But come from the matter that his idea anticipates unexpectedly have already fixed this time true participate among them, let him basically have no dint solution.However this to make him breath a sigh of relief.Since have already fixed true get involved, Lin Tian participates and then not and at last participate the thing of the common run of people after rushing through come so when the time comes, but heel at Lin Tian nearby so long he deeply knows Lin Tian's real strenght the true boundary is what strong in fixing of now.If don't surround on the whole at 12 work properly a vein to print in addition to next cold dust son, Lin Tian's war capability is absolutely in the whole best geologic strata that fix true boundary time,www.buybeatsbydrdreheadphone.com.This light the first old man dragon of parties learn by exchanging views and then can know from he the ability and eight greatest the superior of gold Dan.
After being strong to aid an arrival after promising toward a few elders of master's son and Deng Jia for a day, Deng Zhi Qiang sits on the ensign formation of heavy mist ex- meditate.Although the ensign can impede foreignly an attack, but someone manage of ensign and nobody manage of ensign the power that can develop is as different as chalk and cheese.Lin Tian once told him and depended on this plus the words that someone managed at least can resist an attack that turned absolute being to fix a true in the early years, if is turn absolute being in empress period the words ensign letting go of time that the ground superior attackstones would reduce a half.However turn the generally all self-respect identity of the superior whom the absolute being expects, basic how don't may run to exclusively deal with Wu Zhe.Saying again to is the real strenght that fixs by turning an absolute being period a true can not also in a row launch to attackstone a day and night.Attackstone in a row so even if is turn to expect behind in the absolute being of fix true also drive dead tired.
The laying aside Deng Jia to evacuate here personnel talks for a day later preparing to be not.The red dress person whom that fights with Deng Zhi Qiang can not offend into in the detection can temporarily extinguish a Duo treasure after the ensign ground mind.Isn't only this, his this time's selling not only don't have cheapness and on the contrary compensated into oneself's a magic weapon.Let the tooth Yang that he also hates at heartache remaining Yang.Because of the trouble that can not seek Deng Zhi Qiang, he vents this all of the evil fires at Wang Jia wait a to help Wu Lin the noble family above, particularly is that that is fat like every family's pig of pig, is even scolded a ground of dog blood by him to spray a head, severals handle affairs dint not of the noble family sons is even sought by him to lend° to discard went to and fix for.However he knows that the superior still needs these guys to complete a plan, so arriving to also have no dare be next what cutthroat, although these people are basically unworthy in the his eyes a lift.
BE to heart's content venting a burst of after the gathering ground that the red dress person leaves a few noble families, he the body form Be rapid to twinkle several times.Used to escape a method to arrive to leave those an edges of noble family gathering grounds outside more than 30 reasons ground front of.Sees him before edge with tee off a few methods definitely, immediately and in the moment landscape suddenly on changing, should be one baldly the precipice wall top in time appeared one to have Gao 56 meters ground cave.The whole entrance to cave of cave is completely excavated by artificial but becomes, to in see separate a distance to have two lights lightings each time in the hole, the whole cave keeps to go to the halfway up a hill internal.Spread 1 to drink to ask in the hole while entrance to cave is presenting.Next, rushing through to here is the business concerning Deng Jia to two high status report a report, Wang Tang Zhu has already notified in times before.Let the mean person come to Deng Jia's matter to report to report two high statuses directly."The red dress person hears asking of inside words not to dare to neglect, the quickly respectful body answers a way.The person in the hole is obviously taken care of, knew that the red dress person wants, so also had no to inquire again.
The red dress person hears behind once again respectful body a gift is behind just to inside walk.At the same time heart in also some strain.See to the first time in his heart these 2 teach medium legend fix for tallest of two still keep having a little very tiny hair Chu for, although don't know the real strenght of these two high statuses concretely exactly have much high, however only sees to teach win a few elders all to these two high status very polite know that it is to fix for the all-powerful generation, it in the middle of teaching the position is second only to religious leader.Two high statuses unusually pay attention to to Deng Jia's matter this time, if oneself this work do like think to the last side to necessarily will have rich reward.But if doing is failed of words that throws away small life also and belongs to usually.Kill oneself like this and teach medium low class pupil almost as two s one of need not reason.
A very short road red dress person walks at this time of the felling imitate a Buddha very long.Until a stone door before just stopped down.He at this time respectfullly and sincerely of the facing stone line in the door 1:"Belonged to the inferiority of Wang Tang Zhu to report two high statuses concerning Deng Jia's matter."?You come in."The red dress person after finishing saying a voice spreads from that, the words sound just fell two stone facing both sideses in the door slippery go.Immediately a huge stone house presents before red dress human face.The stone house obviously constructed soon, the ground didn't pass by to with meticulous care rest whole, so is slightly thick.However the facilities in the stone house seem to be very and stylish, on the ground 2/3 of grounds all rush toward last the carpet of pure furriery is in the center two cushions, however the all theses were all held up by a yarn debt of purple color.
The red dress person doesn't dare to lift up head to see after the yarn debt the noodles of two high statuses permit, he respectfullly and sincerely signs station before that yarn debt two meter the far place in detail described 1 time at Deng Jia's general knowledge he.Certainly, peeping Deng Zhi Qiang to him but looting the business of magic weapon since the idea him is directly concealed don't lift.So great strength result wait to come to Xing Deng of, but didn't the truely big fish come back?In the sky how do you see this matter?"Saying of a voice inside the yarn debt after listenning to the words of finishing the red dress person.
Be called inside the yarn debt for a sky, the person of says after pondering for a while:"Although a little bit come in and go out with plan, however I see isn't what great problem.The intelligence report collected for a long time according to our this favour to see, absolutely appear by that person's personality, believe we as long as canning trap Deng Jia again, a period of time necessarily can wait until him.However Wang Jia those stupid material initiatives began to slice to use magic weapon this time, my missing Deng Jia's affirmation had already known to have fix true participate in this of matter.So we also want to keep them from sending news going out while continuing to besiege Deng Jia, with that person of smart if receive news even if will rush through to perhaps will also have a vigilance, want to want when the time comes that attaining purpose words again is perhaps troublesome.However this also needs not to worry too much, this ground of 2 with you my world makes moves, even if that person fix to cooperate for really having legendarily and so badly a difficult enemy also."
The ground orders to nod to say after listenning to:"Say so to come to that king's house to wait a to see come for discard to us already the nothing important is used, this time for drawing together these discards to besiege Deng Jia to unexpectedly consume our 12 to build the radicle Dan and many other Dan medicines, although be not what precious thing however if teaching pupil to me by himself/herself to use can also develop many good hands.But these discards not only didn't do matter to still let the other party know that this matter has already fixed true participation very much, I see to directly destroy to these guys calculate, also save again to our Tong what funnel."Through have no how much make use of value, but still need them to confuse opponent.If that person comes to see an outer circle no one of Deng Jia by all means knowing living worry in uncertainty, contrary to expectation let the other party have the heart of guard to back to walk when the time comes not good."In the sky says after listenning to the words of ground.
Ground listenned to the words of in the sky ordering to nod a way:"Live more a period of time for this these discards let it be, after completion of task all common run of people that participate in this matter all kill, otherwise of drive fix true boundary those old guys know of the words are necessary to want to have got to be an of trouble.Although isn't afraid they find out us, but if they snuff out us completely that will also make me teach to suffer many loss."
The 2 people company after measuring a short while directly orders the red dress person around practices to blockade completely to Deng Jia, must can not make Deng Jia's person spread news.After receiving orders that red dress person Related articles:

