
cheap beats by dr dre 't hestitate and con

Finally clean soil of chapter 266
Liu Ye Yi sees Ji vast sky generous to promise down and seemed to be very happy, she particularly to the poisonous interested in origin, a pair of clear Mous ever and anon take aim around on poisonous origin, if not that the poisonous mouth of origin is really evil, perhaps she also embraces to come over to induce.
She likes the poison of origin, can runt to the her but the nothing important good will, while treating outsider.This small guy is always an attitude that would not like to take a reason, in spite of is what person, he all puts Zhang Xiu Lian and imitate a Buddha who all owe his money get.
The Xue Hai and Hong Ge is 5 people, get into to the Ji vast sky, didn't announce any opinion.
Connect that temper usually very smelly gold Hao.Is also silent the language don't toward the vision of Ji vast sky see also and before not greatly same.
Can from the black stone huge monster durance bottom break out of comer thing, who dare to despise?
Remain is that iron ship, however the Ji vast sky didn't refuse this time and jumped iron on board on one's own initiative.Go 6 people with Liu Ye Yi, go toward sea together demon the forbidden ground is thorough.
The Liu Ye Liu people is young, but understands very much to the sea demon forbidden ground, from their, the Ji vast sky knew some sea demon the dangerous district of the forbidden ground.Also knew to want to get into sea demon forbidden ground, what can avoid, what but avoid not to drop.
The sea demon forbidden ground is all over the place all dangerous, mysterious unfathomable, this type ofly forbid area such as the black stone huge monster, as long as know a method, can easily cross.
But be like tooth Rui the fish is this strange fish, but don't want elusion, can of dropping of elusion of, can avert from to of dangerous, Liu Ye always can easily cross.
This is also the Ji vast sky to follow the place that they take advantage of.
A connect for two days.The Ji vast sky is embarked iron is on board, although also run into some trouble, however is total of come to say to is very smooth, any further don't meet that kind of can want the dangerous situation of his life.
The third day.
Is dusk to have no bare waters in, the surroundings absolutely soon stretch hand to disappear five fingers, iron Liu Ye on board set alight torch and shuttled at the thick fan slowness in fog.A facial expression is careful.
"This one district often has the claw evil activity.As long as from lead here, all have already run into a claw evil possibility, this is is hard to avoid, must ten thousand ten thousand caution!"Liu Ye's air respectfully, vigilance ground the condition that observe surroundings.
The Xue Hai and gold Hao was 5 people, got into after this one district, also a to beat enough spirit, stood in the deck mountain in succession, worked well the preparation that fights at any time.
The Ji vast sky naturally sits on iron ship deck and has no similar to them uprising to defendoof, tiny squint Jing, sit quietly and meditate such as the old monk quiet.
The claw is evil is a kind of similar to the mankind, but own sharp benefit claw and Cang strength the weird living creature of the wing.This kind of living creature is what sea demon forbidden ground possess singly.
It is saied that the claw is evil to originally is also mankind, didn't know because of why the affair gave offense to a sea demon and was subjected to a cursing of sea demon.
From now on after, they became claw evil.The hand and foot became sharp like the claw son of knife and also grew wing, their strength is promoted to come up, unfortunately but thoroughly lost intelligence.
The claw is instinctively evil to only kill desire, take the flesh and blood of living creature as a food, forever life at could not see the sea of daylight demon forbidden ground, depend on catch to kill any get into here of living creature for living.
Today's claw is evil, the improbity living creature that know to kill of just a kind of unreasonable, treat claw evil, only kill off, there is no the second road.
The poisonous origin lies prone on the Ji vast sky of shoulder mountain.A pair of small eyes bone Lu Lu turns indiscriminately, he has strong interest to embrace everything and arrive at a sea demon forbidden ground after, as long as canning not get into for a sky, dollar bead, he is foolish in the outside.
The Ji vast sky feels the world that he see more outside.Get in touch with some people more, probably can dilute the vulgar bad seed of his heart, let he more and more someone, so not arrive can not help, the Ji vast skies will allow him at outside free activity.
"Feed, the guy that doesn't like to talk, you don't want always and peep Ye very not?"Poisonous small eyes of origin looked in all directions in a short while and suddenly fell the view to the Teng sun in the body, eccentric way:"You isn't this guy an abnormal condition?From see our beginning, .Secretively peep us, you to we so curious?"
The Teng sun belongs to that kind of to look like very low-key type in 6 people, always not much words, seem to what all uninterested, a cool equanimity kind.
However, because a words of the poison of origin, Teng sun suddenly the full face is embarrassed, the look in the eyes is peculiar and matchless.
Xue Hai, Liu Ye and a group of people of gold Hao, a hear the poisonous origin speak so some kind of words, is all that the Zheng is big eye, air surprise.
"You" do you know that I am silently observing you?"The Teng sun touched touch a nose, the Shan Shan stem smiled.
"The time that meets for the first time, the Ye saw".The poisonous despise ground of origin is inclined his one eye.Hum a way:"Your boy is the worst, a don't utter of, exclusively like to do the affair of this kind of abnormal condition!"
"Ha ha ha!"Xue Hai laughs wildly.
Liu Ye's a group of people is also a shape for canning not help smiling, a corner of mouth trembles, obviously drive the poisonous words of origin to stir somely suppress don't live.
"I" the Teng sun want to explain, however a , the but again Leng doesn't know how to explain where just good.
Is "sorry" Liu Ye dozen circle field, smile to sing ground to looking at the poison of origin, also have the same corner of mouth wearing a smile Ji vast sky, way:"Teng sun this guy becomes accustomed to, he always likes to make use of his strength and silently observes circumferential each and every move and admires, you are too mysterious in the his eyes, so".
Flick, the Ji vast sky doesn't mind a way:"It is no harm.The Teng sun elder brother's strength is very special.Have congenital advantage in this aspect, don't keep in mind with quiet attention, really difficult discover Teng sun of the elder brother's small action
Ji vast sky so on saying, the Teng sun is on the contrary ashamed, face a red, mumbling way:"Is sorry
Shook to shake head, the Ji vast sky didn't say more what.
"You worry of the claw was evil to come".The poisonous very small ear of origin, suddenly and lightly on moving, his Leng for a while, then Zhang Kou says.
Persons, such as Liu Ye and Teng sun...etc. a foolish.
Teng sun one face is vacant, tiny squint Jing, imitate Buddha is making use of his method to peep surroundings.
Several empresses, Teng sun difficult to express way:"Have no
Teng sun so on saying, the Liu Ye, an air of Xue Hai et al relaxs, didn't adopt what
Very obviously, they believe their their own companions more.
"You are this small guy, is really of, this kind of fun can not open indiscriminately, let people white the white is nervous" Liu Ye Bai the poisonous origin is one eye.The soft voice reprimands angrily to.
If she seem to be really to like this small guy, connect to blame and scold, all not scathing at 1:00.
"I didn't play trick."The poisonous origin humed a , despise way:"Love letter not to believe!"
"I didn't work a lot of in the last yearses with Teng sun together, he this responding of aspect dint is the strongest in we.So many in the last yearses, rarely come amiss of"bore source honesty, the ground of Han Han says.
The Teng sun smiled to smile, very self-confident appearance.
Ji vast sky Pie the Teng sun is one eye, and then took a look Liu Ye, pour to also have no to say more.
Teng sun facial expression suddenly on changing, way:"Carefully, the claw was evil to come!"
"Muff!"The poisonous just right ground of origin put 1.
Ge 5 people of Liu Ye, gold Hao and Hong, have never been any further at this time he just of the words was getting more jocose.Suddenly, flash across one silk shocks in the public of Liu Ye Wu.
Teng sun because the secret of self-discipline is special, the absolute being soul has to marvellously respond dint, so many in the last yearses, they rely on Teng sun of the ability.Frequently have narrow escape from death, time engage with others, can usually occupy as well on one's own initiative.
Suddenly, they discover Teng sun this kind of marvellous strength, unexpectedly inferior to in front of poisonous origin on raising, this lets to immediately living in their heart one silk flurried Liu Qing.
The Teng sun is also a drive the shape of setback, in the look in the eyes flash across one silk is depressed and gloomy.
"The strength of the Teng sun, the scope of overlay is limited, however this strength is very lax, can hardly realize, beneficial have a fraud, not exactly not not equal to that responding of small guy dint" Ji vast sky tooks a look Teng sun, light way.
Teng sun this just lead 1:00, slightly have some to gratefully looking at Ji vast sky, sincere way:"Thank."
He wins understand, if living to come from in his heart personal not equal to other people's viewpoint, had heart knot on the self-discipline of this kind of strength by boat, there is the blind side of a minuteness in the heart.
Don't despise the blind side of this a minuteness, probably.This together very small blind side, will make he the self-discipline from now on have no inch again into,cheap beats by dr dre!
Is dark great in the Ji vast sky heart, these 5 people, indeed as expected is extraordinary, the Teng sun can quickly sew the heart spilted open to heal and sharply realize this.It is truly hard to come by.
The claw is evil on schedule but goes to.
They are all over really very similar to the mankind, just have no hair, the hand and foot became sharp-edged like the claw son of knife, many a pair of sturdy and emollient meats wings.
Each claw is evil the all thin bone chew to ring, however.But give people a kind of felling that is bloodthirsty and is full of strength.Claw evil eyes are dusky colors, ray of light gleam to destroy poison, see the time toward the person, "hum Chi to hum Chi" in ground the breathing that vomit foul smell flavor to come into nostrils, it make people smell of desire Ou.
5610 claws are evil, from the blackness flow out now, suddenly rushed toward toward Liu Ye's a group of people!
Liu Ye their air doesn't wait claw respectfully evil close to, starts making moves to attackstone right away, Liu Ye's eyes a bright, one regiment blazing flame, suddenly sell to fly out from her.
This is a rhombus absolute being soldier, absolute being soldier body if burn red hot irons, burn a bright fire.
Two current claws are evil, haven't closed to here.Then drive that rhombus absolute being the soldier shoot, those two claws are evil.The body"Chi Chi" emits smoke and sends out irritating to the ear painful interjection.
The Hong Ge stands on the deck, many in the hand a long gun, the long gun is very clear, at break empty the lightning flash sort in voice fly and in a twinkling pierce through a body with evil claw.
Gold Hao the air is icy cold, a thin long fly sword to equally soar to the skies to fly to, that flies sword angle wily, ray of light Yi Yi, the place led by sword long grass, a claw is evil be cut of fall apart.
Xue Hai with bare hands, but bring about water in the sea, the sea water in dark blue condenses into water act, a claw evil impact of 708 fall.
The bore source signs at first an on every occasion, such as huge rock similar, suddenly gave the person the vehemence that was a kind of such as the mountain.
Those break through built-up blockade, very not easy the claw of neighborhood arriving at deck is evil, all bombed by the bore source one punch boxing in, claw evil body, if be shot by the iron ball, whole body the skeleton explode ground, fall into sea water one by one.
The Teng sun eyes start to shut, one in fine threads and messy soul strength, slowly released to open from his body.Those soul strength silently has no an interest ground to hurtle into claw evil in, unexpectedly make a lot of claw an evil embrace a head to shout loudly.
Liu Ye Yi goes 6 people, each difference of means, but all attackstone dint astonishing, several ten claws are evil to flow out to appear from the blackness, however, go 6 people's thunderbolt attack at Liu Ye Yi under, the death and harm is miserably heavy.
Is half of two-hour period don't arrive, these claws for bursting upon are evil, then gone 6 people by Liu Ye Yi to massacre clean.
"Walk quickly!"Liu Ye right away drinks a way.
In the Ji vast sky heart Ya however, some oddly looking at Liu Ye, don't know why they are evil to all kill the claw, also strain what.
"Claw evil corpse.Will release a kind of marvellous strange smell, this kind of strange smell will soon spread to go out.The common run of people may can not discover, but to evil another claw, but this kind of strange smell can indicate a direction for them!"Liu Ye's air is anxious.Hurried explanation:"This a piece of waters, claw the evil amount is quite a few, they will along the strange smell seeks to come over, once covering with is all that the claw is evil, we bothered when the time comes!"
"Is so" Ji vast sky ordered to nod and meant comprehension.
Liu Ye's a group of people has no useless talk, the Hong Ge controls a ship.Also the bore source, Liu Ye's a group of people beginning puts effort and fix for extraordinary of they, use their own strengths at iron ship on, that iron ship speed suddenly quick many.Is evil from those claws afloat rapid brush past on the corpse on sea surface.
The poisonous title of "came again" origin visits a sky and slovenly say.
Teng sun a foolish, small and soft felt in a short while.Quickly point out a direction, way:"Walk from the this place!"
The Hong Ge doesn't hestitate and controls a ship change direction right away and point out according to the Teng sun of direction before go.
Doesn't is excessive long, and then had ten several claws evil came out from the blackness.
"Hong Ge, you control a ship to go before continuing, don't come to a stop!There are a lot of claws in neighborhood evil close to toward the this place, have to want to fling off them quickly!"The Teng sun yells.
The Hong Ge nods and sinks a track:"Know!"
Liu Ye Dai's eyebrow deeply locks, with the Teng sun and source 4 people of Xue Hai, gold Hao and bore, continue to deal with claw with all strength evil.Hong Ge then with concentration to the ambition control a ship.
This several ten claws are just still evil ex- go of minority of who assault, under Teng sun, Liu Ye's their attacks, several ten claws are evil to equally be soon exterminated.
But, Liu Ye but happy don't get up.
Because, the poisonous origin sees boring of say a words again:"More than 200s, in our front"
Hong Ge a foolish, iron ship also suddenly a stop.
"Kill to pass by!"Teng sun one face malicious color, way:"The claw around coming over is more evil!Don't rush out.We will be surrounded!"
Once the facial expression of Hong Ge change and control with all strength to go before the ship right away.
Teng sun they cooperate together and use own strength in iron on board in succession, help iron ship with most quickly the speed escape the ground of this right and wrong.
Ji vast sky air such as naturally looking at 6 people bath of blood often courageously war, go to start into all eventually don't gather a hand help.
Arrive key of time, Ji vast sky just discover that this going real leader of 6 people unexpectedly is Teng sun!
The Teng sun gives order, rest 5 people have no objection and carry out right away, Liu Ye this fixs for state's tallest deep person, also blindly obedient, there is no surplus viewpoint.
The Ji vast sky wants to see the real real strenght of these 6 people.His felling comes out, 6 people at this time although an air is anxious, but face's up remaining full is the will to fight of proud Yang, they don't have one being afraid of silk ten cents and nervous.
They obviously still have to rely on!This is the judgment of the Ji vast sky.
More than 200 claws get fed up with, don't become a row and block in iron ship front, they straight and even all is wait, wait, several origins move to send to come.
Just, they didn't thought of, they wait to is a shark!
Connect Hong Ge at inside, a go all of 6 people to make moves.Between the short moment, the Ji vast sky obviously realizes six strength in the human bodieses and all unexpectedly has increasing of different degree!
Among them, the Teng sun strength inside the body increases biggest!
They imitated a Buddha to acquire a kind of strength without basis.This kind of strength of the same clan together source, be like come from a , place, after that Teng sun get that increasing of strength, only five lines of days of territory of he, the strength in the body, unexpectedly and in a twinkling ran over Liu Ye, became the most terrible an in their a group of people!
6 people's attack method, there is no Fu because of the emergence occurrence of this strength seven.
However, they attackstone of power, but suddenly and suddenly and violently increase!
Similarly that burns red hot irons similar rhombus absolute being soldier, fly toward time of evil claw, but the temperature suddenly and suddenly and violently increase several, that rhombus absolute being soldier only on touching evil body of claw, the claw evil body then will set alight flaming wildfire, how can not put out!
Just a little Mars son, can be evil to cremate Jin a claw!
The gold Hao flies sword, the speed that maneuvers interleave is quick several, uncanny unfathomable, at those claw evil in shuttle, a claw the evil body be torn to pieces, sink into the world in succession.
The Teng sun is more terrible!
He that marvellous soul strength hurtle into claw evil medium.A claw is suddenly evil the flesh and blood faintness burst to open, soul strength is blunt in the past, and more than ten claws wered evil and then was so abruptly trampled upon to cause death by that strength.
On going 6 people, at key of time, the strength soars and develops to far outrun the terrible strength of normal real strenght.
More than 200 claws blocking off road are evil, at 6 people such as suddenly and wildly turn general strength under, unexpectedly be soon cleared an empty, have no a claw evil can the break out of living a sky.
When 6 people exert the strength on the body to iron ship on of time, in the sea fast- marching forward iron ship, high speed suddenly flew to fly with all strength with the territory superior of gossip sky, quickly march forward in the waters, quickly once wore this one waters.
Iron ship bombs however falls into sea and just suddenly broke out a group of people of terrible strength 6 people, 1.The facial expression is pale, sit upright in the deck to raise an interest in succession, imitate a Buddha to even move a fingers very serious.
Iron ship flies in the unreal of a moment, leave just of the waters have already kept off 100 in, affirmation early are evil those claws to jilt far away.
The poisonous origin blinks to expect eyes and surprisingly looking at weak unbearable six people after delivering a violent wind.
The Ji vast sky is also one face Ya however, the look in the eyes is peculiar.Don't know these 6 people why can soar the strength so many without basis, particularly Teng sun, he is from a five lines of day privates, a jump to attain seven of the territory superior's terrible strength, astonishing pole!
This kind of dint obviously isn't 1 type, however, these strength can be perfect of with their body blend together, let them soar in short time strength, own the real strenght of far super original state.
On going 6 people, the achievement method of self-discipline is all different.Still have Teng sun among them this kind of has a marvellous absolute being soul, the different of strength.
6 people trusts and works together closely, after strength soars, their 6 people once cooperating, with lend several years cooperate of experience, afraid is can whole real strenght again raise a stratum"
The Ji vast sky profoundly hopes these 6 people, unexpectedly some Jings in heart fear to.
He secretly estimated for a while, 6 people truely cooperated they the strength after all the display come out, even if is meet a gossip private all not necessarily so will suffer a los for sky!
This strength, the Ji vast sky at this time to see, pour to also not necessarily so care, however, they sixes are still young, their strength still at constantly growth",
Give sufficient time with their natural endowmentses and the dispositions, everybody has ascend seven star for sky even the territory of gossip sky of opportunity, make them attain this state, these 6 people cooperate, will be a very terrible affair!
If 6 people oneself all fix the territory of gossip sky, under that increasing of strength, 6 people cooperate Chou again
As long as considering, connecting Ji vast skieses will have the felling that a kind of skin of head becomes numb!
However this kind of strength seems some linger effects.Short time after suddenly and violently increasing strength, their vitality is looking like exhaust huge, 6 people at this time, a body dollar the dint mess be all making every effort to control, they the absolute being soul is also unsteady, see appearance along with the soaring of strength, the pleasant sensation will also be exhausted to inherit right away later on.
Cautiously stare at 6 people, the Ji vast sky secretly contemplates.
Once the eye pupil shrink, the vision of Ji vast sky tightly falls Teng sun in the body, flash across in eye one silk is astonished.
The Teng sun is first steady to live his/her own mind, once he fall calm, those consume very big of dollar dint, with resume than the common run of people quick get many of speed.Quickly resume a dollar dint!
After, Teng sun's Xue Hai and gold Hao 2 people also sink to quiet down, is Liu Ye and bore source after, finally is the Hong Ge of biggest age.
And the Teng sun is one eye, sink to quiet down, the instauration speed of the dollar dint in five human bodies, all have to be quick than the ordinary people.
Here but sea demon forbidden ground!
Sea demon forbidden ground in, the Ji vast sky is hard to contact with Great Dipper, always cover with under marvellous strength here, person at sea demon forbidden ground, the instauration speed of the dollar dint in the body, should compare at outside slowly up many just right.
The Ji vast sky cans be free from the influence of sea demon forbidden ground, because has the blood of four saint monsters inside his body.Because the great void Mi of his self-discipline records is the Mi method of the most miraculous world!
Is they what with what to borrow?
In the Ji vast sky heart of interrogative larger hair
Iron ship continues to slowly move while having no the control of outsider, 6 people on the deck, a .Close tightly a double eye, quickly resume depletion of strength.
The Ji vast sky is tiny to squint, silently observe 6 people.
He knows 6 people now although the ratio is usually weak.But don't lose fighting strength, although that Teng sun close tightly to fix attention on,he is that marvellous soul strength,always curl up in the body side, hasn't been laying by.
Is strange although 5 people see have peace of mind self-discipline, also all wrinkly eyebrows, they obviously still have wariness to they, and is secretly guarding against.
The Ji vast sky feels to get.
For a long time and for a long time behind ……
First the Teng sun instauration comes over.
Lightly smiled to smile, the Teng sun looking at Ji vast sky.Way:"Those claws are evil, should can't come again."
The Ji vast sky ordered to nod, way:"Our leaving has already had there 100 insides, with claw evil speed.Is affirmative hard again the basis smell make track for come."
"Yes" the Teng sun answered a sentence, the look in the eyes is hesitant, seem to mean to say what, however he pondered for a while, the end have nothing at all says.
Ji vast sky the corner of mouth is wearing a smile, didn't also cross-examine, concerning they suddenly the strength soar of affair, the word doesn't lift, be not to know this matter.
Can he and the Teng sun is all understand in two publics, just of affair, he was clear.
"I think, we wry smile way.
Liu Ye, Teng sun dichromatism at the same time a change.
"Get lost?"Always face anythings all Kui however the Teng sun of the immobility, the facial expression kept on sinking.
"At sea demon the forbidden ground get lost, this is really" is really the most unfortunate affair this year"the thick lips of Liu Ye's sex appeal, close lightly a very and helpless angle, the facial expression is depressed.
"Can you enough return to?"Xue Hai Zhou eyebrows.Crumple a temple, moan way:"I rather return to face up to thousand claws evil, I would not like to have no purpose at blind rush here"
"The time didn't go, " wry smile of Hong Ge wears a title.The compass is raised in the handle knob and point at a needle lets everyone sees, "the compass lost Wu
"Be getting outer of order again" Xue Hai Da pulls head.In poor fettle way:"See, we now the place of place, great of Neptunian once moved hand and foot again
A public wry smile orders fork.
"What mean?"The poison of origin curiously asks.
Liu Ye likes this small guy most , although is very depressed, also heads for his explanation:"The compass in the hand of Hong Ge, is most take the bearings for the nicety of work properly a treasure, at sea demon forbidden ground, because can not pass sun moon and stars to distinguish a direction, we can depend on a compass."
"But, at sea demon the forbidden ground is some places, the compass will be out of order, there is no reason of out of order!See at us, this peculiar place, affirmation drive sea demon to make intentionally, otherwise the compass isn't out of order, "
"Is out of order like, rush everywhere."The poisonous origin is one face doesn't matter.
"At sea demon forbidden ground, words rush indiscriminately, die of will be very quick of" Liu Ye's wry smile.
The poisonous origin originally still prepared to disdain to of response she is a , a thought of Ji vast sky to before run into of black stone huge monster, again suddenly silent come down.
If not that the Ji vast sky natural endowments native endowments changed ordinary people, dead is there at the black stone huge monster.Basically don't think on the hoof come out.
Even the Ji vast sky is also breathtaking and matchless to just wear the past, if he didn't wear body elongation at that time over, who know what would the behind take place?
Get lost, how should do?
The Hong Ge also has no answer, the compass didn't use.He operates iron ship and very carefully marches forward toward the front.
Teng sun they all no longer say more what, a facial expression Jing fears to, after knowing to get lost, this goes 6 people and becomes a ratio to all have to be careful at any time.
The Ji vast sky comprehends them, know their caution because they know the fearfulness of sea demon forbidden ground.
Under the sistuation that can not take the bearings, a group of people an is careful matchless, has no destination to march forward and hope to find out familiar road toward a direction.
So, iron ship slowly sails.
Didn't once know how long as well, the front of utter darkness suddenly was shining to show.
The facial expression of Hong Ge one earthquake, but have no hasty acceleration, but gingerly observe there.Teng sun the vision is faraway, it is secret to looking at distance also.
The Ji vast sky suddenly gets off the ground and stands to aloft and far hope there and saw in a short while, the Ji vast sky weighs deck once.Air peculiar way:"That is a huge group of islands, on the island all over the place the bones of Ai Ai, those glow-in-the-darks, is sent out to come above from those boneses of, "
This words are a , the Liu Ye's public facial expression is shivering a change.Together shout a way:"Bones island!"
The Ji vast sky is also shivering to change countenance, surprised way:"Is that a bones island?"
He has never come to sea demon forbidden ground, but he knows fierce hate a sky the demon is at the sea the place of the forbidden ground self-discipline is exactly a bones island!This is the Tuo to cross mountains strong deliver of news, affirmative wrong not of.
The time that comes sea demon forbidden ground, he once inquired a Xiao house, segment house, Chen Jia Ji the household affair concerning bones island, however, even Xiao house, segment house, Chen Jia's a group of people, all not clear sea bewitching forbidden ground affair concerning bones island.
Also because this reason, he hears that a group of people that return a dollar religion comes sea demon forbidden ground, and compares he the one step came over in former times of time, would not and so worry.
Return a dollar religion they connect fierce hate sky at sea demon doing not know any places at all of forbidden ground, at mysterious sea demon forbidden ground, want to find out fierce hate a sky to talk what easy?
Before getting into East China Sea, he and the easy Kui once consulted sea as well demon the affair of the forbidden ground bones island, unfortunately even easy Kui also to sea demon the bones island in the forbidden ground know not a thing.
These 6 people a hear his description, surprised shouts that that place unexpectedly is a bones right away of island, a very surprising appearance, this immediately lets the Ji vast sky pay attention to.
"Bones island, do you know this place?"The Ji vast sky asks.
The Hong Ge very heavily nods, way:"We once heard a bones island, however have never arrived here, bones island, it is said that is sea demon forbidden ground's most dangerous place, someone say a bones island, is a Chou to is Neptunian to dwell for rest of place
"It is said that, it is said that that the bones of Ai Ai on the bones island is all Neptunian" is Neptunian to take a meal the bone bore source Han that vomits behind of Han way, air some silently fear to.
The sea demon dish kneels of forbidden ground?In the Ji vast sky heart a surprised.Dark way:Is old fierce, how did you choose such a place?
"Liu Jie, we" do we turn around to leave?"Xue Hai cries to lose a face, way:"I rather continue to get lost
The gold Hao, Hong Ge and bore source is 3 people, nod together.Obviously agree with Xue Hai very much this to suggest.
"Not!"The Teng sun suddenly and lightly drinks a , the flash across is one silk madness, slightly have some exciting ways in the look in the eyes:"Countless persons who come to East China Sea to explore.Mostly drive East China Sea of dangerous destroy, by luck live down.Once listenned to the rumours of bones island as well, but had no several individuals truely once arrive a bones island"
The view of Teng sun once swept one by one on the Human bodies like Xue Hai,etc, way:"Our mistake beats a mistake to bump and arrived at here, don't go over and have a look, the knowledge experiences the magic of bones, so with tail between legs escape, this is we in times gone by of style?To know we left today and probably all had no opportunity forever to come again here!The bones island isn't everyones all can be lucky to run into!"
"Rightness!"Liu Ye hates head in the location, one is unwilling:"This is the heaven's will, the heaven's will makes us come to bones island, if we so the ash slip away of walk off, I dare to affirm, we will definitely regret a lifetime!"
The Teng sun and Liu Ye Liang people is these 6 people's masterminds, these 2 people all decided a to explore a bones island.Those 4 people are in no circumstances to all agree down.
Indeed as expected, in the vision of the Teng sun and the Liu Ye Liang people.Hong Ge 4 people the wry smile write to nod and at last agreed 2 people's decision.
"What about you?The bones island is dangerous and matchless.You have no to want with us together of adventure, I think.We can distinguish here"Liu Ye see toward the poisonous Ji vast sky and the origin, sincere way.
"The bones island is since sea demon in the middle of the forbidden ground the most miraculous place, we were lucky to come, certainly didn't want to miss as well."The Ji vast sky is alarmed a smile.
Liu Ye is very surprised, profoundly looking at Ji vast sky, slowly ordered to nod, way:"If one several decision of the Ers.So, let's continue to go together.""Leave!"Teng sun way.
The Hong Ge also not much says, continues to operate iron ship and slowly goes toward line in the bones island.
There is explicit direction, iron ship soon then got to the bones side of island up, fix iron ship in 1.Huge matchless rock top, connect Ji vast sky at inside.A go 7 people and then stop for a rest at in the bones island.
An eye hopes to go, all all over the place is the bones of Ai Ai, those bones have extremely hugely, it is long to have tenth, Zhang, one person breadth, the Ji vast sky stared at this bones to see one eye, don't feel the skin of head becoming numb.
So huge bones, exactly is what terrible huge monster just can own, everywhere bones of Ai Ai, the bone is smooth like jade, also gleam soft light dizzy, have a liking for to unexpectedly have a kind of another beauty.
This is gloomy United States!
Mao Mao Mao!
Walk those bones of Ai Ai up, the foot spreads small bone ground break of the voice , on going 7 people, slowly go forward, full face's preparing to cope with at any time respectfully may appear of dangerous.
Bones island, sea demon the forbidden ground is the most dangerous of terrible ground of, group of islands also need to occupy, here.Even have some Ji vast skies to have no bottom in the heart.
Why?Why old fierce will know that the bones island exists, why he will choose to break here nine of territory?
A chain of questions once rowed in the brain, the Ji vast sky more thought to more is a captivation.
":Bu poison, you can enough"can feel what terrible soul the neighborhood has?"The Ji vast sky small voice inquiry lies prone on the poison of the origin on the shoulder.
Is tiny to squint the poison of the origin of Jing, lightly shook to shake head, look in the eyes weird way:"Not ability!Don't know why, here, my soul strength"overlay of the scope narrowed a lot, square circle ten in inside of life motion, I could not felt, "
The Ji vast sky facial expression is tiny tiny on changing, he originally still thought he only is so, the poisonous soul strength had never thought to unexpectedly connect origin, was also equally subjected to influence here.
"Cough Ji vast sky to see toward the Teng sun.
The Teng sun obviously heard 2 people's dialogue.Also know the meaning of Ji vast sky look in the eyes, under the eying of Ji vast sky, the Teng sun is tiny to nod, way:"I am also similar."
"See appearance, this bones island really has a little peculiar, can influence the strength of soul, " Ji vast sky added caution more.
"Is all empty, much stronger than our soul strength lives are the soul strength that can influence us of, our soul strength, could not realize much stronger than our life existence as well.This is the natural rule."The poisonous way of origin.
"Shine on you to say so, on the bones island.Really probably that is the sea demon to occupy of ground?"The Ji vast sky knits the brows.
Poisonous attitude of a doesn't matter of "who know" origin, the way of Rang Rang:"Take care of him.Walk the one step calculate one step."
Dong Dong Dong!Dong Dong Dong!
The ground moves the voice that the mountain shakes and spreads from the distance.The bones island is to take place the heavy earthquake is general, the earth shivers.
"What things?"Liu Ye Yi's face frightenedly looking at front shockingly, way:"What things.What things just can send out so huge action?"
"There is thing that come over!Depend, be eager to do well in everything of vitality!"The poison of origin shouts loudly.
The Ji vast sky also feels that the life motion of a wildly fierce pole, as the volcano erupting, suddenly shows in the his soul deep place.
Dong Dong!Dong Dong Dong!
The voice of earthquake constantly spreads and pound at the public heart such as the similar huge hammer of drum up, the sweat hair of everybody signs.The look in the eyes is frightened.
Gradually, one has blood to contain fleshy huge monster, slowly and formerly the square presents.
The huge bear of a whole body gold hair is slowly walked, huge bear Gao Ji Shi's meterses, such as the sacred mountain oppress since then, astoundingly wildly strong breathing, release from its body, let people want to turn around and then walk.
Bore source two legs deliver soft, foolishly looking at huge bear to slowly approach, a bottom sits to in the ground.
Grasp in the huge bear hand a tenth, the rice grow of shark.The flesh and blood of mouth is misty, simultaneously and simultaneously tore to bite a shark, that shark calculate the Ba in Shanghai lord.But in its hand, two mutually one comparison, that is like a normal person to grasp a Qing fish.
The huge bear is really a lot too big!Is big to arrive even the sharks are all far far not qualified!
"!Is too stalwart!"The poison of origin shouts loudly.Exciting way:"Is all empty, this guy vitality prosperous pole, more severe than you!, It stared at to ascend us!It really stared at to ascend us!"
Violent information, from the distance ring get up.A few huge birds are from the sky but decline, at huge bear top of head one Shan but lead, around the huge bear constantly flew around.
Ji vast sky eye pupil suddenly on shrinking, the full face is stagnant.
That where is what huge bird, that is unexpectedly the sky Pteranodon!
Five today Ba Pteranodon, stretch to open, the body grows ten several rices, than cloud dream big Ze poisoned sky in Long Tan unexpectedly the Pteranodon still want greatly last the first!The vitality is also more prosperous!
Where is this ?
It shouts loudly in the Ji vast sky heart.
"I think that we met to bother" Teng sun full face wry smile, he suddenly feels this to just don't want to come a bones island, may come to a decision most falsely in his whole life.
The huge bear seemed to see their a group of people and originally wanted to come over of, however, that five todays Ba Pteranodon, always flew around by the side of its body.Ever and anon attackstone 12 times while returning, make it a bit tired of.
The huge bear looks up at sky Nu roar, brandish for three days, stone pillar similar arm, go to those skies for keeping up with of hammer shot unexpectedly Pteranodon, five today unexpectedly the Pteranodon obviously have some the arms of fearing the huge bear, a dodges of pole with clever past, then choose more wily angle.The place that could not attend to toward the empress neck head etc. of huge bear attackstones.
Sky unexpectedly Pteranodon huge claw son, such as cleek similar, fall the neck is made an effort to the back of the huge bear of tore to pull, only the neck leaves a wound after huge bear, don't harm a root.
What Ji vast sky sees is a gape, call inside the big Ze at cloud dream the sky that the king overlord among states unexpectedly the Pteranodon is this kind of fierce monster.In this place, it obviously isn't a Ba lord.
The appearance on the contrary was still a minority community.
"Want to be not, we still withdraw, " Liu Ye whole body a clever, she also started to be timid.
"This is afraid is time immemorial fierce monster's finally clean soil" Ji vast sky eyes see front and burst out such a words.
Some messages that got from green Long Chu of saint monster ever.In his brain lead after 1 time he the sudden is to understand what,
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