
Beats by Dr Dre solo still western Qin t

The chapter 919 various Ge divides a soldier
"H'm!I knew!"Finish seeing the intelligence report that the courier delivers, Zhuge Liang ordered to nod and slowly let go of the letter and turned jiao to give flank of Zhang Fei, sink a voice to ask a way:"Can general Chen get hurt?"
That courier is to rush through from quick Ma Jia Bian of Peng city come of, whole body hard journey, on the face also full is exhausted, but face Zhuge Liang's inquiry, the courier is to don't stop, signed answer horse's way:"General Chen didn't get hurt, just Liu Feng's general while ambuscading Zhang Liao, be killed by Zhang Liao!"
"H'm!"Hear Liu's sealing be killed, Zhuge Liang here and Zhang Fei all have no idea to move, Liu seals at public see, also however is the small Cape s of Liu Bei's under charge è just, basically not set noodles.Zhuge Liang put to put a hand and woulded be to signal hint that courier to back bottom, immediately turn head to say to Zhang Fei:"Three generals!Through this war, think come to that sweet rather and Zhang Liao already again the disability came to the sao Rao Peng city!Connect down, we want to do of, be capture Chen Jun, Chen to stay and Ying Chuan three counties then!"
"Oh!"Zhang Fei is consumedly still that of appearance, just Zhuge Liang gives that intelligence report of his he also just took aim one eye, threw a part, on the contrary very interested in the last Zhuge Liang words, right away woulded be to say:"Military adviser!I can wait you this sentence!Want to be not we right away strike against how is that long Yuan city?"
The piece flies to lead 100,000 with Zhuge Liang this time Chu the soldier is from Xu Zhou Chu and rush through into Yan state all the way and have already arrived a white horse by the third, however Zhuge Liang is to have never become nervous to attack, but is waiting for from Xu Zhou's news.Because this time Liu fully sends army to help Cao cao, the biggest threat be garrison wide Ling of sweet rather and Zhang Liao!Xu Zhou's war bulletin spreads now, although didn't solve sweet rather, Zhang Liao, already river east the soldier inflict a heavy losses on, the troops and horses of wide Ling perhaps is don't dare to go up north again!Don't is cares at home, Zhang Fei this place of 100,000 battalion naturally can give it a gamble!
However for piece flies of please fight,Zhuge Liang is to have never become nervous to promise down, but slowly walk to the argument matter is inside the hall hang of map in front, cautiously study.Lead very in a short while, Zhuge Liang this just nod to say:"Three generals!This time long Yuan that strike against Chen Liu can be gone to by three generals, just this white horse, but is can not give up!Three generals are to get 70,000 battalions to go to long Yuan, with brave three generals, taking down Chen Liu should has no problem and just leaves these 30,000 troops and horseses, at under the y ù stay here white horse, is guarded in person by me!"
"Ha ha!?Don't go!"Listen to Zhuge Liang the words in the beginning, Zhang Fei is still one face is satisfied, can be after Zhuge Liang finish saying the last words, Zhang Fei's signing a horse is stunned speechless and shake head to sway brain ground to shout a way:"Military adviser!How does this go?Face to go the front eldest brother life, I guard at the military adviser nearby, closely!How can I leave one military adviser here again?"
Zhuge Liang shakes head to say:"Three generals, at under must stay is here just going!Report according to the scout, Luo's sun kiss rate west battalion Qin is from in the letter entrance to valley and have already occupied Hanoi at present!Connect down actually is offend first east the county still keep going to Chen Liu first, all is have no from know!If is to offend the words of east county first, that white the horse be placed in the most decisive position, can not lose!My aming in person and guarding here just can trust!"
Zhuge Liang so on saying, Zhang Fei that is to be getting more resolute more, on jilting a hand, be shout a way:"Want is really such of words, that I could not evened stay one military adviser here!Want a military adviser not to offend long Yuan with my a cake of, not I stay with military adviser's a cake of at white horse!I can not stay one military adviser to explore dangerous places here!"
Piece the words for flying pour is let the heart of Zhuge Liang in a warm, however very quick Zhuge Liang would is positive s è to say:"Three generals!At under such arrangement, but for the sake of lord Mr. of big industry!Lord male exert since battalion, success or failure here with one action!And don't say this white horse to can not have been already lost, if three generals and at under all guard here white the words of the horse, that who strike against Chen Liu?Always the bitterness guards here, only is the food grass that consumes everyday is an astonishing amount, don't even say that the general situation is sunk to passive, is sooner or later a west, Qin take advantage o!Do three generals want to looking at the Ba industry of lord Mr. failure?"
The piece flies drive Zhuge Liang's so a chain of interrogation nongs get is rendered speechless, he also knows that Zhuge Liang's decision is the most correct of, but want to stay a text minister a person of Zhuge Liang to guard at white horse, and face of,Beats by Dr Dre solo, still western Qin those about 20 remainings ten thousand battalions!Zhang Fei how trust bottom?See piece the facial expression for flying seem to have loose move, Zhuge Liang this just continues to advise a way:"In fact three generals completely didn't need a such misgiving, according to being nextly reckoning, Luo's sun even if want to directly strike against east county, can't send 200,000 battalions, either all!Luo's sun is this person to be a veteran warrior, march time of old way young skill march to fight rather pleased cent soldier but war, this time now strike against Yan state is also the important battle that matters to unification world, Luo's sun absolutely can't Gu soldier battle, think come, necessarily will be divided into 200,000 battalions two groups of personses' horse, cent take east county and Chen Liu!So, send east county come of the troops and horses at most can't lead 100,000!At under stay in the troops and horses of white horse is also have 30,000 of many, is descending although not just, lean against 30,000 of many, guard this white horse, pour also not is a difficult matter!"The last words, but Zhuge Liang is to say very to have self-confidence, certainly, Zhuge Liang is also a confident capital.
Zhuge Liang's words just finished saying, a laughter but spread to come over from the flank, but was the department that had been sitting to beside keep silence Ma Yi.Saw a department Ma Yi Le a Le beard and said with smile:"The skill of various Ge adult, descends an officer to pour is expect very!"
Take charge of Ma Yi this talks a , Zhuge Liang signs a horse be smelt one thick to thickly challenge flavor, however Zhuge Liang is inattentive, on the contrary smile to say to Ma Yi of department:"Take charge of adult horse also need not too leisurely and carefree!BE descending an ability not to left for to strike against Chen Liu with three generals this time, but three generals nearby not ability without the person of plan plan, so can be put~to the trouble to take charge of adult horse a !"
Zhuge Liang this talks 1 and took charge of Ma Yi's eyes to sign a horse is a Mi to become to together sew, from Zhuge Liang's body, take charge of Ma Yi ambiguously and saw Xu Shu's shadow, heard these 2 people to still have at Luo sun debt the bottom work of huge is a good schoolmate friend generally, this let to take charge of the sense of pride in Ma Yi Xin and started doing mischief!The time under the debt of Cao cao, department Ma Yi is unwilling be slowly resided to Shu under, got to Liu Bei Zhang at present bottom, department Ma Yi nature also can't pleased is left Zhuge Liang!However take charge of Ma Yi also know now not just to the difficult time for Zhuge Liang, current of he, have to accumulate Zan a great deal of merit, let Liu Bei trust he or she to just go more!But strike against Chen Liu this time, it is an opportunity to pour!So department Ma Yi is to sign a horse to nod to say:"Descend an officer to dare not to render service!This time bottom officer settles when the Jie heart makes an effort to assist three generals!"
Zhuge Liang is light on smiling, think to department Ma Yi's dessert, Zhuge Liang nature very clear, and obviously take charge of Ma Yi have never wanted and covered up as well!If Liu Bei is a power Qing now world, Zhuge Liang is the opportunity that absolutely can't give the department Ma Yi to lift up head, can now is a west Qin Shi Da Dun, Liu Bei's under charge needs be like to take charge of a Ma Yi talented person like this urgently to, rather thing exert it use!
"This is still won't do!"The flank is silent Zhang Fei of a long time suddenly leaped again 1, say:"The eldest brother jiao generation leads, the military adviser's safety is the most important!I can not looking at a military adviser adventure!Isn't equal to this white jiao horse give the department adult horse to guard, military adviser or together stay to Chen with me!"
Listen to piece words for flying, Zhuge Liang not from get in distress situation, and don't say an idea line for flying not can be carried out, also not the ability be so to take charge of Ma Yi to say!By so doing, be not put to tell the department Ma Yi clearly, let him be scapegoat for Zhuge Liang?Zhuge Liang's canthus glimpses to take charge of Ma Yi, indeed as expected, after finishing listenning to a words for flying, department Ma Yi's between forehead and brows flash across the spirit of a y ī n Hui, however soon again is a dissipation have no Zong.Zhuge Liang's eyebrows is wrinkly wrinkly, immediately smile to say to Zhang Fei:"Three generals!Took charge of adult horse to just join a main male debt bottom, to circumstance in soldier be not very understand, he a person alone got a soldier and was to have inconvenience, so still from at under stay is the most steady!"The meaning of the this words of Zhuge Liang's pouring is to say understandly and took charge of Ma Yi to just surrender to come over and made the white giving he jiao horse, Zhuge Liang isn't rest assured!For the intelligent person, Zhuge Liang also has no call to spend too many ideas lie, anyway everyone is also all heart to know the belly is clear, only the condition words say a little more beautifully just.
Indeed as expected, department Ma Yi's face s è this time pour is a nothing important variety, once the eye pupil son turn, but is say with smile:"In fact next the officer pour is have a way!Three generals just worry various Ge adult one person is in this insecurity just!Descending an officer to hear the son soldier skill in martial arts of major general piece of three generals is uncommon, rather leave major general piece's soldier in the various Ge adult nearby, go together with the private of some j ī ng Ruis more again, protect various Ge adult, thus, three generals can also trust the safety of various Ge adult and had peace of mind to take Chen to stay!"
"E!"All of Zhuge Liang and Zhang Feis are one Leng, have to admit, either, department Ma Yi this compromises of method had better, the piece flies of although sub- Zhang Bao also however is just 56 years old, but the whole body skill in martial arts is to spread from Zhang Fei, even get, and close the this son pass interest of feather to be the same as two big young superiors in Liu Bei Zhang!There is Zhang Bao at Zhuge Liang nearby, Zhang Fei really is trust a lot.2 people saw one eye mutually, Zhang Fei immediately would was to shout at top of voice:"Bao son!You would like to?"
If Zhang Bao at the moment also just at argument matter inside the hall, just heard department Ma Yi, let he not the ability together strike against Chen Liu with the father, Zhang Bao is still really a bit not that glad, can now Zhang Fei so on drinking to ask, Zhang Bao how could says again not word?Right away would be to stand up from the seat, embrace a boxing to drink a way to Zhang Fei:"The father trusts!The child is to protect a military adviser with the x ì ng life!"This Bao still really inheritted the good blood relationship that the piece flies and grew big and tall, a pair of wreaths leopard eye absolutely with Zhang Fei that is to look exactly alike!
Now that Zhang Bao all said so, that this matter also settled down so, Zhang Fei nods to embrace a boxing to drink a way to Zhuge Liang:"Since it is so, that invites a military adviser to more promise in the white horse!I took Chen Liu, be to send a person to rush through to notify a military adviser!"
Zhuge Liang is to nod to say:"Three generals, this goes to Chen Liu and slices to record the achievement of Mo Yao Tan and took Chen to stay good!Duo Chen Liu, Luo's sun necessarily is afraid of and draws back troops to take charge of state!We unite the battalion of Cao cao again and take to leave two counties by that time!"
"I am getting more understand!"Zhang Fei ordered to nod, also no longer useless talk, start to would be direct go toward argument matter the hall outside walk to, the ng son of x ì of this breeze breeze fire fire pours is at 1:00 all have no because of age enlarge but change!
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