
beats by dre solo elp Fuxiang pian

Add free camp benefits ,the city issued a concubine !relationresultNeed tomaster granting benefits ,natural not bad to go !relationresultXiao Huaon this point ,but is very confident .relationresultGo ,go to have a look the castellan is a what kind of guy .
To a few humanitarian Ming ,Chopin three solo man no hurry to take the task ,but with Xiao Hua used to have a look about it .relationresultThe yellow windcity is city residence will not be how big ,but in the yellow wind city a large slightly dilapidated buildings, rather the atmosphere residence or easily identifiable .
relationresultButdid not think of is ,in addition to Xiao Hua ,the remaining five were stopped by the guard at the door ,only Xiao Hua waved his hand, let a few people own one .relationresultStraightinto the residence halls ,a female Sheriff saw Xiao Hua ,cheerfully said : welcome ,not steal his wife ,the Duke has been waiting for you for a long time ,please come with me .
, relationresultXiao Huathe handsome action is very familiar with ,is silent, with the female security officer ,then up to the two floor in a bright room .relationresultWhilein the room ,wearing a white dress dirty swollen ,black curly hair ,round white face with a mature taste less * aristocratic woman, sitting in a simple office wooden desk after .
relationresultThe white dressless * women see female Sheriff with one up ,one Leng ,white and calm smiling a little .relationresultAre you the one ?Well ,I didn really will join our freedom rallies, on your ability ,I would have heard, is very welcome you to become a member of us .
Less * and put down the white quill ,really said .relationresultGrief for master ,if this letter right ,I add their own camp ,get people in general do not have special treatment ? Xiao Hua looked at the little * woman name ,and then raised letters of recommendation .
relationresultThis of course ! Griffey was sure nodded .relationresultSystem hint:you added free camp !relationresultSystem hint:you camp rank to viscount .!relationresultThe firstand more .
relationresultThe 261st chapter Campaign Medal , relationresultLei,don grief because of Miss whether informed ,the rank of a few China see not what is very surprised ,camp rule book ,but never mentioned the title which things exist, nor does he ever heard from him in a population .
relationresultOf course.The title simply, is to represent a person in a camp in position ,rank higher level is higher also ,have the right to have a greater .For example, you have a title ,you can receive the million gold weekly salary, free camp city purchase consumables generally enjoy ten percent off preferential ,and can buy to ordinary people can not buy special items, make your weekly in the city issued a mission .
relationresultIn addition,if you encounter other people ,in the city and wanted his command ,depending on your rank level ,the people hurt you ,then if the free camp appeared in the city ,you will be in jail ,sat some time in prison before they can come out .
relationresultOf course,these are the most basic role .There are some special and important role ,to your authority ,temporarily unable to know . Griffey smiled and explained .relationresultWell,that sounds great !Then anyone who dared touch ,don think of freedom to the camp !relationresultHow to enhance the title ? Xiao Hua then asked very interested .
The most basic role is so obviously useful ,the title of senior ,what effect can you have ,let a person cannot help Fuxiang pian .relationresultVery simple ,honor camp ,consumption of honor camp can be upgraded ! , relationresultHonor camp,not camp prestige ?relationresultXiao Hua listens,feel wrong, immediately opened the character panel ,which is more of a camp property plate ,going in ,Xiao Hua scrutinize the next, understand immediately .
relationresultCampon the property panel is not much, respectively :relationresultThefree camps :Camp , relationresultTitle:Viscount camp , relationresultHonor camp:0 , relationresultBright campprestige :0 , relationresultDark campprestige :0 , relationresultObviously,honor camp is in fact the camp ,but is slightly different .
As for the honor camp acquisition method ,completed camp task can be obtained .When honor camp enough ,can be downstairs to the sheriff Angela upgrade . Griffey was then added .relationresultIt is because Griffey miss, you have here is for me to do the task ?.
Xiao Hua took the opportunity to ask .relationresultI do not have ,but camp hall ,now the sea is an important mission for you, I think you should have heard . Griffey was castellan shook his head .
relationresultOh ,that if nothing else ,I leave Xiao Hua saw no money to be made ,nor in the woman wasted time .relationresultWell, have any questions ,looking forward to your next visit! Have a game player ,because have enthusiasm grief .
relationresultXiao Hua nodded,no nonsense ,hurried down downstairs ,see female sheriff Angela quiet sitting in the lobby desk ,reminiscent of Griffey because of it, could not help but go past .
relationresultNo ,Mr. Baron ,ask what can I serve you ?The baronetcy things ,all by my management Xiao Hua go to the desk ,don Angela is smiling to audibly asking .relationresultOh ,I want to know all the peerage in need of upgrading honor is a number .
Xiao Hua array surprised ,but it is also not forget to ask .relationresultThis simple, this form ,clearly classified each title need to consume credit . Angela immediately handed Zhang Yangpi form .
relationresultXiao Huatook a look, not by is staring eyes !relationresultRankrank .From low to high ,a total of six ,respectively ,Baron ,viscount ,Earl of civilians ,the Duke ,marquis .From civilian to Baron ,need to honor ,Baron to Viscount ,need to make .
Viscount to count, fierce hurricane to the blade, and is respectively 20000 and old million honor .relationresultXiao Hua did not knowa common task group can give much honor camp ,but he completed free camp one main task, to give free camp brought not much benefit, to obtain a Viscount,beats by dre solo, also is the four honor it ,want to upgrade to the count ,the edge .
Honor ,do not know god knows how long to save .As far as the Marquis and Duke, need not think, there is not much difference between and daydream !relationresultWipe thesweat, Xiao Hua put the sheep form back to Angela ,thought, and asked: miss Angela ,listen to grief because of the Duke says there are special items to buy ,I would like to ask where can buy ?.
relationresultXiao Hua is nowinterested in ,is because of Griffey special items ,which mediates ,special items, such as no accident ,should have the campaign medal !relationresultSure enough,Xiao Hua asked ,his eyes appear as soon as a list of items, the item name , is one of several names !relationresultViscount Baron medal ,medal of Xiao Hua silently look down ,it will be five medal ,corresponding to the title ,but in addition to the Baron and Viscount medal medal attributes he can see ,the rest of a medal ,attribute is a question mark ,it is a people itch - design !relationresultXiao Hua hadthe above silver medal of the Viscount ,in front of him ,appeared subsequently Viscount medal attributes .
relationresultViscountmedal Campaign Medal :This is a strong position to the wearer Holy Medal ,honor and status symbol !relationresultAttribute:physical attacks ,magic attacks !relationresultPhysicalQiao Related articles:

